One Day is a multi-church collaboration that seeks racial healing for our city through corporate, intercessory prayer. The event includes a Service of Repentance and Healing that leads participants through a process of Lament, Repent and Forgive. With these prayers, we have hope that One Day, Richmond will be racially reconciled and healed.
One Day One Step began in 2022 as the "Day of Repentance," an event aimed at bringing about community healing through prayer, repentance and forgiveness. The service was held at a church on Monument Avenue near where the Robert E. Lee statue had stood for 131 years. Following the death of George Floyd and subsequent unrest, the Robert E. Lee statue became a public gathering space for bringing awareness to general issues of race and equity. This statue had sat on land donated by a church and dedicated in a service led by a Presbyterian pastor in 1890. In an effort to seek peace and healing, a steering committee arranged the 2022 Day of Repentance during the anniversary month of the statue's removal.
Based on the responses and engagement to this event, the steering committee felt confident in the need to pursue an annual service of repentance. In 2023 the name was changed to "One Day, One Step."

The first gathering, held in 2022 at a church on Monument Ave, one year after the removal of the Robert E. Lee Statue.

At the 2022 Day of Repentance, attendees wrote the names of people they wanted to forgive; those papers were shredded, and the clippings were placed beneath the plants in the restored "Marcus-David Peters" Circle.

The first gathering, held in 2022 at a church on Monument Ave, one year after the removal of the Robert E. Lee Statue.
The Day of Repentance was also featured in E Pluribus Unum's report on "The Legacy of Confederate Memorials and the Promise of Public Spaces." One Day One Step is an Unum Alliance member. For more information on E Pluribus Unum, visit their website.
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East End Fellowship
First Presbyterian Church
Mt. Gilead Full Gospel International Ministries
Renewing RVA
Richmond's First Baptist Church